Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 2.30 - 4pm (term time only) at St Michael's Junior SchoolAll ages welcome for games, prayer, cake and hot chocolate around the campfire.Learn more
3rd Saturday afternoon of every month, 2 – 4pm, Whiteway Green (formerly called Rosewarn Park) We meet each month to do various activities including landscaping, planting, bug hunts, litter picking, recording the flora and fauna, habitat building and more.Learn more
3rd Sunday of the month (February - November), 3pm - 4pm, meet at Bath City FarmMuddy Church is an outdoor adventure of wandering and wondering about God in creation.
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Wednesdays, 9.30am - 11am (term-time), Southdown Methodist Church CentreA structured session for under 5's with free play, craft activities, singing and snack time.Learn more
Mondays, 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Roundhill Hub on Mount RoadRun by Oasis Hub, Lux, Southdown Methodist Centre, Bath Methodist Church and St Barnabas Church in partnership.Learn more